"Working around children and a busy life can be tough.. the children come along and all that you knew goes out the window.. but there is another way.. you CAN work around your children... Sixteen years ago my world seemed bleak when the Child and Maternal Health Nurse uttered the words “she’s not following the toy–she is not meeting her milestones.” I knew the nurse was working hard, damn hard.
I had to find a way to get back into the work force. I’ve done handstands and backflips! I’ve stood in a State Election 2 council elections and was elected to Council. From there, I was able to get a special school established- I got to do some stuff I never dreamed I could. But I got up and got going to make things happen and you can too. Do you know what I found? It was not about the work, it was not about the money. It was about feeling part of the community, part of something, being with people. It was even ok not to be with carers or people who were talking about disability! I’ve volunteered at the hospital; I’ve been a ward clerk and did anything that I could do. I I did a lot of things and tried what I could. Now I want to help you to Step up and Step Into YOUR Power. I want to make it easier for you so I have made a list so you can get started right away....... whats more if you really really want to follow me- you can chat with me and I will help you get going too...... |